Sunday, May 16, 2010

Soft taps
Against the glass
Steady as a drumbeat
The children stared out from the class
Rain poured.

This cinquain is representative of the showers so common to Vancouverites, portraying the depressing mood of youth as they hopefully glanced out the window, only to be disappointed again by a downpour.
It has a rhyme scheme ABCBE, and a syllable count of 2, 4, 6, 8, 2. At first, I attempted to write in it iambic form, but as that is unnecessary and sometimes difficult, portions of the poem are in trochaic form. "As a drumbeat", a simile, is the only literary device used.


  1. This is really well written franky!
    I love how relatable the topic is, I have personally stared out the window of many classrooms as it poured rain.
    the first line makes me start to imagine the rain on the window and it is further backed up by your following lines
    good job!

  2. Nice poem Frank! I can very easily relate to this poem, and I think that's why it is so impactful. I can just imagine myself in class looking out the window at this very scene. Your choice of theme for this poem was very good for this reason as it is easy to relate to. Good job!

  3. The imagery in this is fantastic, it is so easy to see the rain coming down the window and to imagine the persons fascination with them as classrooms can be very boring! You also really capture the monotony of a classroom and the bleakness of the day outside. Great job!
